There Tillandsia Juncea it is a genus of plant that belongs to the Bromeliad family, in its natural state it is found only in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the American continent, this variety is native to Mexico, the Antilles and Bolivia. It produces threadlike gray-green leaves and small purple flowers, which emerge from purplish-red bracts.

The main feature is that they do not have underground roots, living without soil, they are able to absorb the necessary nourishment from the humidity in the air, thanks to particular anatomical and physiological characteristics present on the leaves and inside the plant, which have allowed adapt in nature to the most diverse environments and hostile climates.
Air plants do not need to be grown on the ground, in fact a support (such as plant holders or pots) that allows them to receive the right light and ventilation is ideal for them.

WATER | Tillandsia Juncea should be vaporized once/twice a week with a nebulizer or by immersion once a week. Drain excess water by turning the plant upside down for a few seconds.
LIGHT | place in a very bright or sunny place, with good ventilation and low humidity.
TREATMENT | they can also live hanging from nylon or copper wires, anchored to the walls of the house, suspended thanks to support structures. You can also place them on a shelf or table. Does not require pruning, limited to the elimination of dry, weak or broken parts.

FLOWERING | if you want to see it bloom, the ideal temperature is between 18 and 30° and if correctly cultivated it emits small pink spikes from which intense purple flowers bloom, for this to happen it is advisable to water it once every two weeks with water with fertilizer for orchids.